Making manuals that work

Manuals for Small Projects

Small Projects in the region of £200k+ can be really difficult for documentation. They are big enough to require careful documentation, but too small to justify the cost involved.

Last updated on 09 January 2025

Manuals for Small Projects

Build it on-line using our web wizard

Small Projects in the region of £200k+ can be really difficult for documentation.  They are big enough to require careful documentation, but too small to justify the cost involved. Therefore we have just launched the 2nd version of an on-line service to provide a solution.


Click here to have a play with it.  The user name is 'Guest' and the password is 'password'


The whole service is based on simple web based wizard driven templates which the main contractor asks each of their sub-contractors to fill in.  Each time the sub-contractor uses the system they build a library of products and content that they can re-use in the future, so it is ideal for small repetitive projects like a shop fit-out that is repeated in the same style in different locations. 

Once all the information has been supplied, we will convert the data into a good looking document which can be supplied either as a single pdf file or a printed report.

The typical price is £250 + VAT.

See our training videos on how it works 



If you would like to try this out please call us on 01424 858114 and we will set you up with a password.

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